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#17 Consider How to Extend an Ice-Breaker Into a Development Opportunity

Client Enquiry:

We are holding a Workshop for engineers to introduce some new working practices. The workshop theme is Empowerment and wed like to open with a relevant ice-breaker of around 15 to 20 minutes duration.  Any ideas?

RSVP Design Response

Its great to see clients looking for something relevant to the subject at hand, rather than selecting a random ice-breaker - hopefully they read this blog post first: Ice-breakers & Programme Openers.

This is  a great opportunity to sensitise learners to material that will follow, to allow an engaging shared experience that can be referred to in the debrief and following sessions to help learners both personalise the topic, and to potentially explore a simulated empowerment experience.

In terms of Empowerment we would suggest the following Activities:


and Counter Intelligence 

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