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Join us in London on the 20th March 2025 for the Build Better Learning Programmes Workshop! Secure your spot now: Book Here

Author: Kim Sherwood

  1. Facilitating or Learning - are you ready to get back in the training room?

    Facilitating or Learning - are you ready to get back in the training room? Stepping out of a training room, be it physical or virtual, with a sense that you’ve left a group of learners both happy and inspired is a great feeling, one of the professional highs that make working as a facilitator such a buzz.  What’s also a buzz is leaving a training room with the sense that you’ve offered your learners a big ... Read more...
  2. Bold gestures that support learning - interesting research for facilitators

    Bold gestures that support learning - interesting research for facilitators I’m a great one for using my hands when I’m trying to communicate, and I find that the more self-conscious I get about this trait the poorer my communication gets. I was aware of this, but hadn’t given it too much thought until I recognised that one of the negative effects of the past 18 months is the extent to which the many hours of Zoom ... Read more...
  3. Are you Prepared for Post-COVID facilitation - will it be the same but different?

    Are you Prepared for Post-COVID facilitation - will it be the same but different?                               The prospect of returning to face to face facilitation has been a dominant subject in the training conversations I’ve had recently. It’s a rich subject for debate due to the broad range of opinion and attitude amongst those ... Read more...
  4. Be careful how you sell your “Fresh Start” – Do you have the tools to make it a success?

    Be careful how you sell your “Fresh Start” – Do you have the tools to make it a success? The early months of 2021 have presented our customers, and organisations around the world, with a host of opportunities to declare that it’s time for a “Fresh Start”. A performance or operational reset that allows them to put the past behind them and declare that they are ‘starting from day one’. It’s a great way to get team members ... Read more...
  5. Time for Team (re) building? Here's some advice for selecting Icebreakers…

    Time for Team (re) building?  Here's some advice for selecting Icebreakers… Just about every work conversation I have at the moment involves people from the L+D community anticipating a return to face-to-face or hybrid (face to face and on-line) delivery of learning. As I said in last month’s blog I’m counseling an approach which makes no assumptions about how employees and colleagues will be when they return - there... Read more...
  6. What are the Implications for a Return to Work and the Time of Hybrid Learning?

    What are the Implications for a Return to Work and the Time of Hybrid Learning? There’s a definite sense that we are now entering a new phase in how the learning and development sector responds to the pandemic. The restrictions placed on face-to-face learning have, in some geographies, relaxed and made real the possibility of some return, (with appropriate practical safeguards of course). However, I’m not hearing any ... Read more...
  7. Are you Dancing at the end of The Change Curve?

    Are you Dancing at the end of The Change Curve?                                 "The Change Curve” is one of those models which seems to have been around forever. It’s been a useful tool in explaining everything from personal grief after a loss, to understanding the response when we implement ... Read more...
  8. Living with this 'Normal' Provides a Positive Creative Environment

    Living with this 'Normal' Provides a Positive Creative Environment I think of myself as a ‘Creative’ - somebody who makes a living from creating new things that have value to my company. There are millions of Creatives out there, you almost certainly know somebody in some field who fits into this category; so it always surprises me when people misunderstand the creative process so badly. One of the most ... Read more...

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