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RSVP Design - Learning under Lockdown Part 2

RSVP Design - Learning under Lockdown Part 2

RSVP Design - Innovation for the future


As I said in Part 1 of this Blog (here) we’ve been deeply immersed in an intense phase of product and process innovation. In this second part of the blog I’m going to describe how we’ve used our own learning tools and processes to help facilitate this innovation, whilst ensuring that we build the team bonds that we’re going to need in the future.

The future.
That was a starting point for us, what did the future for the learning and development sector look like, and how did experiential learning tools fit into this picture.

What that needed was a broad, ‘free-to-imagine’ and progressive platform where we could pool ideas without risk, present ideas without self-consciousness, and gather ideas in a lasting and stimulating medium. In addition we needed to find a way to make this happen without the need to be in one place at the same time. It wasn’t content that would be developed in the tightly structured environment of yet another Zoom meeting, needing people to take time and think creatively. Luckily we had already developed the iPad app called ‘Storylines’ so we could rapidly circulate focus questions, use images to demonstrate emotional reaction, annotate the images with type and voice recording, then circulate these developing storylines to colleagues. When the storyline was complete in its response to the trigger question we could gather to watch the mini-presentations that the app had generated in order to see, and hear, what the team thought in response to big questions like
What’s the future for big-attendance learning events?”.

We then used this pooled insight to examine our existing portfolio of experiential learning tools. We were looking for ‘quick-wins’ that we could rapidly imagine, prototype and test so that our customers could use tools that they were familiar with but in the new reality of remote working. This meant a lot of Zoom meetings, importantly with groups selected in relation to the development stage that the meeting would address - concept, development or final testing. We called in international favours with distributors and clients to ensure cultural appropriateness and only called a meeting when all of the background work was done so as not to waste peoples’ time. It was fast-prototyping at a speed we wouldn’t have believed a couple of months ago.

Here are the results so far and the virtual/remote working versions of the following tools we have already developed, tested and launched on our shop during the COVID-19 lockdown:

Simbols (online version) - great for getting a team practiced at using remote meeting platforms and ensuring that all voices are heard. A real motivator! We e now already on the second upgrade of the original product launch (and will migrate all customers to this new upgrade)

Colourblind (online version) - our best selling communication tool and proving to be equally effective and demanding on-line, especially in diverse teams.

Online Workstations- an ideal short duration introduction to online experiential learning with a focus on team communication (giving everyone a voice) and problem solving.

Seeing the Point (online version) - an on-line creative thinking icebreaker that allows small groups to work together without too much pressure to perform.

Images of Organisations - a subtle and insightful way for a team to check up and share how they are feeling in these difficult times. Alternatively, a way to think forward about the future that we are all going to need to work in. See our example here.  The other two physical products in the Images series allow now come bundled with an online option to share the images and develop important converations around the themes of Resilience (Images of Resilience) and Customer Service (Images of Customer Experience)

If you have a desire to see any of exiting physical products developed for virtual delivery, then please get in touch.

We are continuing our product and process innovation, so look out for more new virtual product launches here soon.

If you’re thinking about purchasing and using any of these tools then please read and remember the message from Part 1 - the tools above can be equally effective in addressing Team Maintenance or Task Achievement learning objectives, but it’s important that the facilitator knows which is most important to them and the team in any situation.

Dr. Geoff Cox