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Tag: facilitation

  1. How do facilitators work with groups who have had an 'easy win'?

    How do facilitators work with groups who have had an 'easy win'? There were some interesting responses to last month’s blog which considered how to handle a session where your group are unsuccessful at completing the experiential task you have set them. For some people this was accepted as very sound advice, and it seems to have taken away some of the ‘fear of failure’ that was out there. ... Read more...
  2. Facilitators in new hybrid workspaces - are they our next generation's leaders?

    Facilitators in new hybrid workspaces - are they our next generation's leaders? I took some valuable time out last week to think about how best I can contribute to RSVP Design’s work, and that period of reflection led to some interesting insights about the new(?) skills that leaders are going to need to deploy if they are to continue to be effective. And, by implication, how we develop candidates into leadership roles. My ... Read more...
  3. Facilitating or Learning - are you ready to get back in the training room?

    Facilitating or Learning - are you ready to get back in the training room? Stepping out of a training room, be it physical or virtual, with a sense that you’ve left a group of learners both happy and inspired is a great feeling, one of the professional highs that make working as a facilitator such a buzz.  What’s also a buzz is leaving a training room with the sense that you’ve offered your learners a big ... Read more...
  4. Are you Prepared for Post-COVID facilitation - will it be the same but different?

    Are you Prepared for Post-COVID facilitation - will it be the same but different?                               The prospect of returning to face to face facilitation has been a dominant subject in the training conversations I’ve had recently. It’s a rich subject for debate due to the broad range of opinion and attitude amongst those ... Read more...

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