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Tag: Kolb's Learning Cycle

  1. Revisiting a definition of Experiential Learning in a world of restricted delivery

    Revisiting a definition of Experiential Learning in a world of restricted delivery It’s clear that the past couple of years have been a massive challenge to anybody tasked with delivering learning to either adults or young people. To those of us who have a belief in, and commitment to, experiential learning, this challenge has been both interesting and somewhat divisive. There are practitioners who have become even more ... Read more...
  2. Challenges and Successes in On-line Experiential Learning

    Nobody working in the learning and development field can have avoided the need for some radical rethinking over the past seven or eight months. The initial rules banning most face to face contact have been replaced by more nuanced restrictions, but not before a massive migration, and corresponding up-skilling, to on-line and virtual ways of working... Read more...

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