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Case Study Bahrain Polytechnic

Bahrain Polytechnic, Education Sector Case Study

Bahrain Polytechnic is a government-owned, tertiary education institute located in the Kingdom of Bahrain. They specialise in teaching local students in a range of degree courses, which include Engineering Technology, International Logistics Management, Information and Communications Technology, Business, and Visual Design..

The Polytechnic is committed to developing what the staff refers to as “21st Century Skills”. These are skills that support independent learning, as well as creativity & innovation, communication, and effective teamwork. They understand that on a small island, local students need to be prepared for employment outside of their home environment, and that developing a broad range of skills will make them attractive employees.

In 2013, the School of Humanities bought a complete toolbox package of RSVP Design’s experiential learning tools. Ann Alder, from RSVP Design, was approached to deliver a two-day training workshop to the Faculty Management Team, which included the programme managers and designers, in order to support and accelerate the use of the learning tools. This was followed by a one-day workshop which was extended out to 40 members of the teaching staff, from a range of specialism’s including; Maths, English, IT, Engineering, Visual Design and Transport Logistics.

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