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Learning at Work Week: 3 More things you can do to promote learning in your workplace

This week is the beginning of Learning at Work Week (16th - 22nd May 2016), and the theme is Connect.

Here are three more things any manager or leader can do with their teams this week to promote connected-ness and learning:

1.      Connect with your team

Use random imagery (a bunch of postcards, some images from the web, or a professional set of images from RSVP Design) to really get to know them. In a team meeting deal out images and ask people to choose one image to answer a question like Pick an image that relates to something about you that the rest of the team might not know or Pick an image that reminds you of a positive quality of the team member on your left, or Pick an image at random and suggest something in the image that you think would help improve team performance. Studies show that teams that are psychologically safe perform better than others. Sessions such as this build confidence that the team will not embarrass, reject or punish someone for speaking up.

2.      Connect with learning

Ask your team to share learning experiences outside of work - what are they learning, have they learned recently, or would like to learn? (use a tool like  The Learning Game to help if you need it!). Ask how people are learning - what strategies are they using? Use it to motivate people to keep learning. Research proves we can continue to learn new things at any age and our brain effectively keeps growing!

3.      Connect through engagement

Do some shared problem solving activities with your team - it can be a logic problem, a creative problem, or a visual problem. View some free activities here, spend some time searching the internet for some more, or purchase them from us. We know people learn better when they are engaged - so learn how to engage your people!

More suggestions on the Connect theme can be found on the Campaign for Learning website.

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