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Join us in London on the 20th March 2025 for the Build Better Learning Programmes Workshop! Secure your spot now: Book Here


  1. If you’ve only got 30 minutes a week to dedicate to your own personal & professional development - how should you use them?

    That was the question I was asked recently by a colleague who had been on a working tour of the Far East. He had asked a significant number of first and middle managers to estimate how long they could take in any week to focus on their personal and professional development, and 30 minutes seemed to be the majority answer. Hence his question to me, ... Read more...
  2. Does the discussion of Leadership Styles merit a place in Leadership Development?

    I’ve just returned from delivering teamwork training in Kuwait and, inevitably, this touched on the concept of leadership and leadership styles.  Participants on the programme were keen to know what I thought the “best leadership style” was, even though they recognised that this might be situational. Out of interest, I entered ‘... Read more...
  3. Facilitating the Creative Process

    There are so many factors that influence the way that a structured creative thinking process unfolds that it’s not surprising that every now and then the process seems to get, well….. just stuck. It’s not always the easiest thing to address these factors directly, you may not be able to change the working environment, or make sure that people... Read more...
  4. How do we continue to make learning relevant?

    To what extent does the design of a learning environment need to recognise the context within which the learning will be applied? This great question was asked during a recent RSVP Design train the trainer programme and it raises some interesting thoughts about the learning design process and the extent to which we can make the learning experiences... Read more...
  5. The Importance of Reflection in the Experiential Learning Process: 8 Ideas to Consider

    If you ask non-specialists about their understanding of experiential learning, many will reply that it is learning by doing. Whilst there is an element of truth in this, it does not go far enough. We only learn from experience if we take time to reflect upon the things that happen to us; thoughtfully considering not only the experience itself, but... Read more...
  6. Navigating Disruption, Singapore Workshop

    The focus of the workshop was around Navigating Disruption, whether it is out of your control, or something which could have been foreseen, and building a culture which can respond effectively to those changes. The cause of disruption is usually the speed of technological change, social and political change and demographic change. The effect of ... Read more...
  7. Essentials of Experiential Learning, Singapore Workshop

    In June 2017 we [All Lined Up] were joined by Graham Cook and Geoff Cox of RSVP Design, for a workshop on the essentials of experiential learning.   They brought many of RSVP Design’s bestselling products, along with their expert knowledge on the field, and led a very successful workshop that was thoroughly enjoyed by all of the ... Read more...
  8. How can we run workshops that genuinely support effective leadership development?

    Leadership is multi-layered, requires a wide range of skills and qualities, and is difficult to learn and to teach. At RSVP Design we are often asked if we can provide short  workshops or activities for leadership development. This raises many questions about the needs of the clients, their culture, beliefs, definitions of leadership and ... Read more...
  9. Learning at Work Week: Being Creative & Curious!

    This week marks the beginning of Learning at Work Week (15th - 21st May) which is an annual event to promote learning in the workplace! Each year has a different theme, and this year is focusing on being Creative & Curious.At RSVP Design, we love the idea of highlighting the benefits and importance of continual learning to get the best out of ... Read more...
  10. Is coaching a key skill for successful leadership?

    Is coaching a key skill for successful leadership? At RSVP Design we focus on 4 key aspects of leadership and work with our clients to develop their capability in these areas. We believe that if leaders get these vital dimensions of their leadership right, they are likely to achieve their organisational and personal goals. We therefore create experiential learning programmes, simulations and ... Read more...

Showing 1-10 of 14 results

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