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  1. Teamwork: Do experience and authority still rule?

    As we near the end of another turbulent year, it’s a good time to take a look at something that will be familiar to most of us…. our team. Never has the phrase “not being able to see the wood for the trees” been so appropriate as when it is applied to the group of people with whom we spend much of our working lives. We may give our specific... Read more...
  2. Shaping Mindsets to Consider Four Key Leadership Interventions

    We’re often asked for our opinions about ‘leadership styles’, and in this sound bite world we’re often considered to be rather verbose in our response. But there’s a reason we’re somewhat considered in our response to questions like “What leadership style works best when….?” or “How should a leader respond when….?” The ... Read more...
  3. 10 Tips for (Experiential) Leadership Programme Design

    Maximising Leadership Opportunities on an Experiential Leadership Programme   by Roger Greenaway, Reviewing Skills Training One of the main challenges in designing leadership training courses (especially short ones) is to create enough opportunities for each individual to have several turns as leader. Courses for developing teamwork skills ... Read more...
  4. Facilitating Creativity in the Workplace

    International Facilitation Week (17th – 23rd October 2016) is hosted by the International Association of Facilitators to promote and engage facilitators all over the world about the power of facilitation. I have noted over the years that in many of the organisations I encounter, the prevalent approach to encouraging, supporting, and facilitating ... Read more...
  5. Challenging the idea that Employability Skills are simply about getting that first job

    After numerous studies we’re finally getting to the point where employability skills are less contentious, there’s a degree of acceptance about what these skills are, and just how important they are. It’s taken some time to get to this level of acceptance, and it may be argued that it is partially due to a misinterpretation of what the term ... Read more...
  6. Generative Learning - Learner and….?, not Learner or…..?

    We all carry role labels, every day of our lives. We are father, mother, parent, leader, manager, teacher, facilitator etc etc. We move seamlessly between these labels: we leave the office where we have been a manager, to commute as passenger, to enter the store as customer, then to arrive home to adopt a whole range of entirely different labels... Read more...
  7. Improving Interdependent Teams and Teamworking

    Many projects and teams work across different departments, sites and even different countries.  Throughout this process, many teamworking challenges can arise and barriers surface that might impact on the success of the project.  Just as with other initiatives, success is critical, and just because many different people are working on the... Read more...
  8. Learning at Work Week: 3 More things you can do to promote learning in your workplace

    This week is the beginning of Learning at Work Week (16th - 22nd May 2016), and the theme is Connect. Here are three more things any manager or leader can do with their teams this week to promote connected-ness and learning: 1.      Connect with your team Use random imagery (a bunch of postcards, some images from the ... Read more...
  9. How to build trust: The Trust Equation in practice

    How to build trust: The Trust Equation in practice The trust equation or trust formula in practice: "Hard to build, easy to destroy" Thats the type of response I often get when working with managers or leaders and exploring the concept of trust. It seems to me that trust, real trust, in people in positions of authority is a rapidly diminishing thing and that blame and suspicion are, perhaps with ... Read more...
  10. Learning at Work Week: Lifelong Learning

    My late father-in-law, whenever he discovered something new or succeeded in solving a problem, used to announce, “Every day’s a school day”. I guess he grasped the concept of lifelong learning well before it become a buzzword.In the light of this, and whilst I absolutely support the need to keep the importance of learning in the pubic eye, ... Read more...

Showing 1-10 of 17 results

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