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Tag: Challenging Assumptions

  1. What's the right setting for delivering Experiential Learning content?

    What's the right setting for delivering Experiential Learning content?
    In the blog I wrote last month I tried to address some of the assumptions about experiential learning that seem to be getting in the way of people including elements of this approach in their programming. It seems that the most pervasive of these assumptions is about the physical spaces that are needed to deliver effective experiential content. To ...
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  2. Do You Recognise The 2 Common Traps When Designing Effective Learning?

    Do You Recognise The 2 Common Traps When Designing Effective Learning?
    How to design and develop an effective learning experience is a question that routinely arises whenever facilitators and/or organisations are faced with the challenge of provoking change. They may have a detailed knowledge of the learning population, they may understand the changes that are needed, yet so often they experience significant ...
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